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Domain Name Extensions

Domain name extensions available through Media Street

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Media Street make it easy to register, transfer or renew domain name extensions that best suits your business and we are proud to have a wide selection of extensions available. All domains are purchased for a minimum of a year and then can easily be renewed via your our client account area.

If you wish to transfer a domain, from your current registrar to us, Media Street can also help with that. See our pricing list below for information on registration, transferring and renewals in relation to the domain names we provide. Once you have chosen your domain name and paid the yearly fee it will be instantly registered in your or your company’s name.

Domain extensions help define your company in the field that you serve or the area that you serve. Take a scroll through the domain name extension that we have available to find the options most suited to your company and website. If you have any questions relating to domain name extensions, please contact us today.

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DomainYearsRenewal PriceTransfer Price
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