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May 2024 Roundup

30th May 2024 Company

Suddenly it’s the end of May! We didn’t get round to doing an April round-up as it’s been a busy couple of months here at Media Street HQ. We have been lucky enough to onboard several new marketing and web design clients over the past month or so which has been exciting for all team members. There’s been plenty going on outside of the office too – not to mention two bank holidays… albeit typical British weather intefering with most long weekend plans!

Let’s dive straight in…

Brighton SEO

brighton seo event grace cyril faye

The hottest SEO ticket in town! Cyril, Grace, Faye and Charlie attended the bi-annual conference in Brighton on the 23rd and 24th of April – it was Faye’s and Cyril’s first time there and it certainly was an eye opener for them as web designers! The marketing and web design teams integrate knowledge across departments to achieve the best possible performance for the client (short and long term), especially when it comes to new website builds and flowing through to the end stage of marketing. However, there’s nothing like a two-day event to test your SEO knowledge and see how much of an impact marketing has on online businesses!

Faye mentions just some of the key takeaways:

– Insightful talks on web accessibility
– Great team building
– Met lots of interesting skilled individuals
– Got ideas on how to integrate the web design and marketing department
– Us web developers got to learn more about marketing and SEO

Lunchtime Walking Group

becky in the woods

It’s been great to see some of the team get outside and make the most of the countryside that we are privilged to be surrounded by here at the Media Street office. Many of us now take a 15-20 minute walk around the airport grounds and always feel refreshed for the afternoon ahead. With some mid-adventures along the way (and getting stuck in bushes) everyone is starting to feel the benefits of getting their steps in during the day!

Work Experience Placements Completed

The team were joined by Exeter College student, Jacob, for an extended period of work experience over the past few months. Studying, Digital Production, Design & Development (T-Level), Jacob was required to complete 300 hours of work placement and chose Media Street for his desired place of work. Head of Web Development, Faye, quickly got to training Jacob up on the foundations of website design and the processes of the web development team here. It was great to have Jacob with us and look forward to seeing where your course takes you in the future!

As the summer creeps up, we are looking forward to welcoming four work experience students over June and July. Every year we extend our knowledge to students from school, college and university levels and it’s always fun to chat with them and guide them through tasks that build the foundations of client success here at Media Street.

Welcoming New Clients

Saving the best until last! We’ve been very fortunate to be approached by some great companies here in the South West recently, to support them with their online efforts. We’d like to welcome the following companies to the Media Street portfolio:

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