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3 Simple Web Design Tips

6th April 2010 Graphic Design

When designing a website you need to make sure you stick to rules in order to provide a solid and reliable Internet experience for your web site visitors. Sticking to these rules whilst designing websites will result in them having a professional appearance and a high level of usability.

Below are 3 simple web design tips from the Media Street web designers. Using these tips will improve your web site development process.

Don’t Confuse the Situation

Make sure you keep web design simple. Web designers as a rule like to make the impossible, possible, make sure you don’t place to many objects and animations on your website.

Check for Errors

Ok… so this website design rule isn’t as fun, but just like rule one, it’s simple. When designing a website make sure that you check it afterwards for errors. These error checks must be done on every level though. Check the code, CSS, design and test it on multiple browsers. Web designers mostly work in Firefox yet 59% of web users use Internet Explorer. So make sure you check your new website creation in IE before placing it live! It’s a simple check but frequently over looked when designing a website.

Keep Your Website Fresh

Keep your website design and content fresh, current and relevant. Know your market, how it works and then design the site for them. Once it’s released, for search engine reasons, make sure you update it frequently.

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