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Parliamentary Review Recognition for Exeter Marketing Agency, Media Street

4th February 2019 Company

Exeter marketing agency, Media Street, is proud to have have been recognised as part of the 2018/19 Parliamentary Review for our best practices in the ‘Digital, Culture, Media and Sport’ sector. The team are thrilled to have been considered for such a prestigious place in this annual review, as our bespoke web design and marketing services in Devon have been helping our clients achieve success in every industry – locally, nationally and internationally since 2009.

So, what is The Parliamentary Review?

As stated on its website, The Parliamentary Review is “an indispensable guide to industry best practice, which demonstrates how sector leaders have responded to challenges in the political and economic environment”. The publication is read by over 500,000 relevant industry professionals each year and provides a benchmark for continued growth in each industry sector across the UK. It’s got to be said that Media Street’s inclusion in the 2018/19 review is a great feat in the companies legacy and highlights the brilliant work carried out year on year. As Managing Director, Charlie Street, explains: “It’s an honour to be included in this year’s Parliamentary Review. We’ve learnt a lot from our past 10 years of business, and getting the chance to voice our opinions and share what we’ve been through and our plans for the future was a privilege for such a highly regarded publication. After working with various editors and creating our entry, I now look forward to celebrating ours and other companies in the same industry’s success in March!”

How Did We Get Involved?

After being approached by the Parliamentary Review, founder and Managing Director, Charlie Street, has been working with the Editor of The Financial Times newspaper to create our piece in the report. This includes how Media Street was established, why it’s such a unique, stand-out SMB in the digital industry, and how we prepare to continue the growth and success in years to come. At Media Street, we have come into our own over the past couple of years. Whilst we have moved into our brilliant new offices in Exeter, expanded our staff employment by double and continued to secure fantastic web design and marketing clients, we are still pushing for more. We fully respect our environment and believe that eco-friendly approaches to how we work are an integral part of our brand identity. Our expert web developers have created AI technology which means we can receive live tracking information for our marketing clients 24/7, and we still have so much more to learn! So, why not come on board with us and see what it’s all about? Media Street’s wide range of fully integrated design and internet marketing services include:

What’s Next?

To celebrate the review’s publication in March, Charlie and our Marketing Manager, Grace, will be attending the annual Parliamentary Review Gala in Westminster, London on 27th March 2019. This will be a great opportunity to network and meet MP’s and other well-known guests involved in the Review this year. We are sure that with the continued support of regulatory industry bodies and representatives, Media Street will continue to thrive with its new and existing clients. That being said, we can’t wait to share our Parliamentary Review article with you all upon publication – it’s a great read… if we do say so ourselves!

Choose Media Street for Your Next Marketing Project

For a top quality digital marketing agency Exeter, look no further than Media Street. To learn more about our services, take a look through our website, and get in touch if you have any queries. We love to take on new projects for new and existing clients with our diverse range of internet marketing services and design work.

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