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5 Business Blogging Tips to Help You Get Started

15th February 2016 Analytics, Marketing

Starting a business blog is a very cost effective way to market your business online. It also allows you to connect and engage with your customers (either existing or potential), which in turn can lead to future sales and increased customer loyalty too. If your business is new to the world of blogging, here are five key things you should keep in mind to help get you started.

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Choose your topic

Before you start your business blog, you need to decide what you are going to write about. It’s important to make sure that the topic of the blog posts are relevant, as well as timely so they are of interest to your readers (and customers) – they need to be able to relate to what you’re writing about. You should also ensure that your writing reflects a topic that you are familiar with, so your readers can trust what you’re saying too.

>>Check out this awesome tool to help you with blog ideas

Planning is paramount

The key to having a successful business blog is planning – by putting an editorial calendar together, you will have a consistent schedule for publishing your content, as well as a great place to generate new ideas for topics. To start with, make a note of when you will publish blog posts (for example once a week or once every two weeks), plan what you are going to write each one about and also keep an eye out for opportunities – news websites such as Mail Online and Flipboard can be great sources of inspiration and will help you to identify key stories that you can utilise to your advantage. A calendar can also allow you to assign writing tasks to different members of your team, and keep track of deadlines too. Once you have carried out some research into the most useful resources add their feeds to a tasty app called Feedly to stay in the loop with future news.

>>Learn more about how to create a checklist for an amazing article

Be social

The most effective way to promote your business blog and encourage customers to read it is to utilise social media channels. Your business may already use social media and have accounts on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, but if not then you should definitely focus on creating these first to build an initial following. If the world of social media is new to your business, then visit Social Examiner for some great tips to get you started.

>>Utlising this article about how to get more blog traffic in 2016 will boost your article online

Consider the length

It’s important to be mindful of word counts when you’re writing your blog. You want to engage readers with your writing, and give them a useful benefit that they can take away with them (for example a new great tip or life hack). Consider who your writing for and the place and time they might be reading the article. This alone can determine how long your article should be. It’s best to keep blog posts short and sweet (around 500 words) if it’s about a company news piece or 800+ words if it’s a useful resource like a “How to”. The main points to remember are don’t waffle and don’t write for the sake of writing! Remember to use images to illustrate your written words!

Use Analytics

A great way to measure the success of your blog is to utilise website analytics such as Google Analytics. Here, you will be able to monitor traffic and decipher where your readers and coming from and how are they finding your blog, among many other customer profiling stats? It will also show you how many times your blog is read, and allow you to develop a clearer understanding of what content your readers like the most.

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By following these five top tips for your business blog, it will give readers a reason to keep coming back to read what you have to say, and potentially encourage them to purchase from you too, especially if you have promoted your products and services through your posts. If you’re interested in starting a business blog but would like a helping hand with producing content, contact the Media Street team today to find out more.

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