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5 Top Tips for Online Videos

18th March 2013 Marketing

It’s no secret that people like watching online videos. According to Alexa, the web information company, Youtube is currently the 3rd most visited website on the planet and there are no prizes for knowing Google and Facebook are 1st and 2nd respectively. Making a video is a great way of getting a marketing message across to both existing and potential customers in a friendly yet informative way. Below our Media Street’s top 5 tips on making an effective online video:

1. Understand your goal

This should be obvious but a lot of people lose sight of what there trying to achieve when making an online video. On the whole, unless you are making a video tutorial, the goal of your video should be to either increase traffic or increase conversions.

2. Strategy over Quality

Don’t let the fact that you don’t have state of the art equipment to hand stop you. Even the most basic camera and video editing software (there are plenty of free versions around) will do. It is much more important to focus on your strategy than worrying about whether Steven Spielberg would approve of your video.

3. Timing

You don’t want to bore your audience! It is well known that us humans have short attention spans – especially with so much information just a click away – so try and make your video between 1.30 – 2 minutes in length, anymore and people will start to lose interest.

4. Research

Use Google keyword tools to try and find out what people are searching for relating to your Video’s content and try and incorporate those keywords in your title. Popular searches include “How to” and “What is”. The more obscure your title, the less views your video will get.

5. Use Youtube

Although there are now numerous video upload websites around, Youtube is by far the most visited and best of all it’s free. You may think there are other websites more targeted to your market but Youtube is used by practically everyone – including your target market!

So there it is, Media Street‘s Top 5 Tips for making an online video. Now, what are waiting for? Go grab your camera (after you do a bit of research of course)!

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